Final Composition- Sketches

My initial idea for this project was to create a ‘Cyborg’ female as a symbol of today’s teenager absorbed/slaved by the world of computerization in the era of the internet.

These are my rough sketches as the experimentation of different compositions. My idea is to present a heart located externally from the cyborg, slaved and clasped by wires.

In the first sketch I wanted to show some kind of fight between a  wires and natural plants wrapping around the cyborg trying to get the its heart back.

The Second sketch is the one I prefer because it seems to be easier to achieve at the stage of photoshop editing. 
* By looking at this drawing we can see two cables sticking out from the models back. The first one (red) leads to slaved heart covered with steel. This portraits the fact that internet, phones etc. became an inherent part of some people lives and technology is something they breathe in everyday. The second cable (green) looks like it has been broken for long time cutting of the connection with traditional aspects of life.